Friday, October 8, 2010

Blogging Possibilities

Hello! Since this is my first blog, my only knowledge on blogging is what I have seen or read from friends and family that have had them. I think blogging is an excellent way to keep track of thoughts and new experiences. Blogging will come in handy as I go through the Benedum Collaborative since I can document my personal progress, thoughts on assignments, and more. Later on, I can look back and reflect on the program and my experiences.

As I begin my career as a teacher, blogging will be a great way to document lesson plans and the positive and negative aspects about them. This will be a good tool to reflect on so I can see what did or did not work with the lesson and make the necessary changes. Along with lessons, I can blog about how I handle certain situations, like negative behavior or bullying. I think it would be beneficial to get the other teachers to blog, as well. This way we can read each others posts for tips. Leaving comments of encouragement would be a great way to give fellow teachers reassurance on their lessons and teaching strategies.

I think this blog is the start of something good in my educational career. Like I mentioned before, this blog will come in handy in many situations all through my teaching career. Ciao!