My biggest goal for this semester is to become more familiar with CSOs. I have been using them often and know how to navigate them, but I feel it would be beneficial for me to have a better understanding of them. I would really like it if I were able to go to the CSO website and automatically find which CSO I need. Becoming familiar with the standards and CSOs that follow them would help me do just that. At first, I was dreading the unpacking CSOs assignment, but in the end it really did benefit me. I have a better comprehension for the point of the standards and the CSOs that back them up.
As for my Practicum Plan, I have not made any updates or changes. My main focus when making the Practicum Plan was setting my completion dates at least a week or two before the due date. Another goal for this semester is getting the assignments done in a timely manner so I do not put them off to the last minute. I think the Practicum Plan has definitely helped me with that. I have been doing my lessons and assignments before the actual completion dates that I set for myself on the plan.
I have really been enjoying my time in the classroom this semester. My host teacher has been awesome with fitting in my lessons and other assignments. She has been offering great advice, tips, and feedback.